01754 -898161/ 07810-111076

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words “rei” and “ki” meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. This healing art is an effective delivery system. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel that supplies healing energies where they are most needed. Reiki’s ki-energies flow out of the practitioner’s body through the palms of the hands while they are touching the recipient’s body

What To Expect During A Reiki Healing Session

You will be asked to lay down on a massage table, couch, or bed. You will be fully clothed except for your shoes. You may also be asked to remove or loosen your belt so that your breathing is not restricted in any way. It is best to choose loose-fitting garments to wear on the day of your appointment. Wearing natural fabrics is best (cotton, wool, or linen). You may also be asked to remove any jewelry (rings, bracelets, pendants, etc.) prior to the session, so consider leaving these items at home.

Relaxing Atmosphere

Reiki practitioners will often create a relaxing atmosphere for their Reiki sessions, setting the mood with the use of dimmed lights, meditative music, or bubbling water fountains. Some practitioners prefer to be in a place that is completely silent, without distraction of music of any kind, to conduct their Reiki sessions in.

Healing Touch

During the Reiki healing session the practitioner will place his hands lightly on different parts of your body. Some Reiki practitioners will follow a predetermined sequence of hand placements, allowing their hands to rest on each body placement for 2 to 5 minutes before moving on to the next. Empathic practitioners will freely move their hands in no particular order to the areas where they “feel” Reiki is most needed. Some Reiki practitioners do not actually touch their clients. Instead, they will hover their lifted palms a few inches above the reclined body. Either way, Reiki energies flow where they are suppose to. Reiki is a smart energy that automatically flows where the imbalances are in your body regardless of where the practitioner’s hands are placed.

Phantom Hands

Because Reiki energies flow to where they are most needed there is a Reiki phenomenon called “phantom hands” that you may or may not experience. Phantom hands feel as if the Reiki practitioner’s hands are touching one part of your body when they are actually elsewhere. For example, you may be able to see that the healer’s hands are actually placed on your stomach, but you could swear that hands are touching your legs. Or, you may feel as if several pairs of hands are on your body at the same time as if several people are in the room with you.

What you can expect after your treatment

After your treatment you may feel deeply relaxed and ideally if possible you need to try and rest and allow yourself to enjoy the whole experience. Reiki stimulates natural rebalancing so take time to come around before driving, although any lack of concentration will soon pass and you should feel refreshed following the experience of undergoing a Reiki treatment. There will be a requirement to drink plenty of water to flush away toxins in the system

Benefits Of Reiki

The benefits of Reiki are said to be many, but in general terms having a Reiki treatment is said to release Reiki energy that will assist in providing balance to the whole person in mind, body and spirit and is a non-invasive holistic therapy.

  1. Adapts to the needs of the recipient
  2. Helps meditative states
  3. Promotes personal awareness
  4. Enhances spiritual connection
  5. Fosters natural self healing
  6. Relaxes and reduces stress
  7. Balances energies in the body
  8. Relieves pain and discomfort

Examples Of Where Reiki Can Help

  1. Acute or Chronic pain
  2. Allergies
  3. Arthritis
  4. Cancer patients respond well to Reiki
  5. Detox the body
  6. Headaches
  7. Heal emotional issues
  8. Heal trauma
  9. Help calm the mind
  10. IBS
  11. ME
  12. MS
  13. Panic Attacks
  14. Promote deep relaxation
  15. Reduce stress and tension
  16. Speed up healing after surgery

If you would like to try Reiki the cost of the first appointment is £30.00 this includes consultation, subsequent follow up appointments are £25.00.

Each treatment will last a minimum of 1 hour, with a first appointment taking around 1 hour 30 minutes or so to take account of the consultation period.

For more information please ring 07810-111076  or use the contact form if you wish to ask any further questions or book a place. Click on contact